A taste of Sugar & Nice

You might have figured this out already but I have a little bit of a soft spot for baked goods. That saying "sugar and spice and all things nice" is basically a representation of my cravings for desserts. So when new cafes or bakeries open that specialise in this type of food, I find myself rushing by or stalking them hungrily online.

Knowing we had a busy weekend the boy and I moved Father's Day celebrations with his family to the Friday night instead of the Sunday. It's easier for us sometimes that was so we don't need to run off early for him to go to work etc, and it doesn't have to contest with my family. We're really lucky everyone's so flexible all the time - we're probably the ones who cause the hard work!

Since Jeremy's mum was cooking a feast for dinner, I decided I'd swing by Inglewood sweet spot Sugar & Nice on Beaufort Street. I've really been looking for any excuse to go so I was happy I'd found a reason!

Box of goodies

Swinging by after work to this relatively newcomer (next door to Miss Kitty's) I was immediately taken by the friendly staff behind the counter, the array of goods on display and also the relaxed, pretty decor of this place. I think a return for a hot chocolate and cake is definitely in order!

Discussing the varying dietary needs I had to cater for with the staff I found them extremely helpful. The boy's dad is allergic to coconut, and his little brother has recently been diagnosed with coeliacs, which tends to narrow down your dessert choices quite significantly. Luckily for us, Sugar & Nice actually has more gluten free options than not!

Red velvet cupcake

It was so hard to choose what to buy! After a little umming and arghing (and drooling naturally) I made my choices. Two red velvet cupcakes, two espresso curd cupcakes, two chocolate fudge brownies and one pistachio blondie. All gluten free and all extremely delicious looking. As they're boxed up I decide to throw in seven meringue kisses for an extra treat.

Driving back home I swear the treats were all longingly calling my name! It definitely took a great deal of effort not to sneak a couple bites and pretend I'd just bought the wrong amount for the family! Luckily my willpower managed to be the successor on this rare occasion.

Cupcakes and brownies

While everything looked pretty, the test is definitely in the taste. Later that night as we all chose our treat for the evening, I was pleased to note just how much everyone enjoyed them. The espresso curd cupcake was announced incredible, with a runny coffee hit in the centre of a fluffy cupcake. I had a bite of the boy's red velvet cupcake and it was incredible - you couldn't even tell it was gluten free, it was light and tasty. I definitely will return for these alone!


The brownies were also a big hit. I had half of the blondie which was sweet with a nice salty kick from the pistachios, and quite a moist texture which I liked. Too often brownies and blondies can dry out. I was told the brownies were fudgy and decadent - the perfect words to describe a chocolatey affair in my mind. 

The kisses were also really good. Crunchy and delicate on the outside, so marshmallowy soft on the inside. A perfect little bite and only 50 cents, unlike other places that charge a couple dollars.

Pretty little things awaiting eating

My visit to Sugar & Nice was short and sweet, and left a wonderful taste lingering in my mouth and mind. It's always great to see a local business start off on a strong note and I can only hope that they'll continue to rise as everyone finds out about them. I will definitely be back - I can see this being a new favourite for take away (or dine in) dessert cravings.

Sugar & Nice on Urbanspoon


  1. I love this place!!!! The lemon curd cupcakes = incredible!!!

    1. I'll have to try that one next time I go in. I love lemon curd anything :)

  2. I've been meaning to check this place out.. you've sold it to me even more!

    1. I hope you like it when you go! Sweet little baked items are always a winner :)

  3. More GF options than not? This is my kind of cake place - need to check it out!

    1. I know I was thinking of you when I was there! Hope you enjoy :)
