It's kind of sunny today. But that doesn't change the fact that it's winter and the actual degree of the air is pretty damn frosty. So it made perfect sense to me that Vietnamese was the way to go. Especially since my throat's been a little sore lately.
If you haven't been to Tra Vinh, it's a little restaurant around the corner from The Brisbane Hotel which has a dedicated following amongst Vietnamese cuisine lovers here in Perth. At 2.30pm the restaurant is BUSY.
All tables except a couple in the very middle of the restaurant are taken, with eager diners tucking into their meals with gusto. I'm eying the pork and prawn rice paper rolls which are one of my favourite dishes here but since I ate them only days before for lunch, I opt for rare beef pho instead and a serving of the stuffed chicken wings (which I end up taking home because I'm too full with the fried wontons for a snack).
Pho is so great. It's exactly what you want when you're not feeling completely up to speed. A good bowl of pho makes your nose run and your mouth salivate. It's slightly sour from the lemon you squeeze into the broth and spicy from the beautiful chilli that you add at your leisure.
And the fried wontons. Well they're just a naughty little taster that I know I should resist but just couldn't today. They're oily and meaty and have the most incredible crunch even when dunked in the sweet goopy sauce that accompanies it.
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