Recipe: berry and citrus three layer cake

A few months ago I stumbled across a beautiful Buzzfeed article that raved on and on about layer cakes, with links to some delicious looking recipes. I have to admit my heart skipped a beat seeing those magnificent creations and so I did what any food obsessed individual would do... I went back over and over again to read the article until finally I convinced myself I'd need to make one of them for myself.

I love the idea of a layered cake... squishy icing situated between soft slices of cake. I actually haven't made too many in my time besides the odd chocolate or black forrest. So I decided to try something way out of my wheelhouse for variety.

Here's the original recipe, which I didn't really stray far from, just some minor tweaks here and there which I found worked well for me. Please check out her blog, there's some delicious looking dishes worth trying!