Recipe: Scallop and blood orange salad

I really enjoy cooking. Throughout my house there's cookbooks everywhere, recipes copied down meticulously out of magazines or websites into my "bible". It never used to be like this - wind back four or five years and I was terrible. I'm pretty sure I would burn rice if it wasn't for my rice cooker stopping me.

I've always loved food, and while a part of me would greatly enjoy eating out every night there's something to be said about a delicious home cooked meal (it's also better on your wallet!). Even better when you can impress your loved ones, or even yourself while respecting great produce.

Lately I'm finding myself becoming more interested in seasonality and really taking advantage of when ingredients are shining their brightest. About a month ago I was trotting around the Leederville Farmers Markets one Sunday when I spied a stack of blood oranges. I quickly grabbed a few and then the rest of the dish came together easily from there. While they weren't as ruby red as ones I've purchased since then, they delivered in the flavour stakes. Sour, sweet and oh so juicy.

Here's my simple salad I had one Sunday night which really highlighted just how beautiful this fruit is. While this type of cooking isn't for everyone, it's the exact type of thing I like to enjoy as I wind down from a long week and weekend, and mentally prepare for the one ahead. I know they say you don't make friends with salad, but this one might do the trick!


  1. Hi Kristy! What a gorgeous recipe, fresh and healthy - perfect for the change of season. I'm actually another Perth blogger who is in Scotland at the moment. I'm missing the Perth sunshine and good food like a mad person so it's been so nice reading your sunny posts! I am bookmarking this recipe to make when I get home to the sun (and warmth! It's freezing here!). Laura x

    1. Hopefully you enjoy it when you're back here! It's starting to get sunny (though today is wet and windy!) but make the most of being in Scotland - the hot weather won't disappear anytime soon :)
