Getting Food Loose and fancy free

Whenever I'm travelling overseas I'm a big fan of on foot exploration and trying out local cuisines rather than those built for tourists or the masses. I often meet people who have the same approach as me, which leads me to ask the question - why don't we do the same thing here in Perth? Well one company is doing just that. Food Loose Tours offers attendees a different view of our fair city, with the opportunity to have a progressive dining experience with a group of equally inquisitive individuals. 

If the above sounds of interest to you I highly recommend you stop reading here and visit their website for more information. Below is a recap of my first taste of Food Loose Tours, but part of what made it such a fun day was never knowing what came next. It was pleasant surprise after pleasant surprise with eight different food destinations, handy tips and facts along the way. Reader beware, there's definitely some spoilers to come...

Food Loose Tours is the brainchild of a fellow food blogger, The Skinny, who has turned his passion for all things food and drink into a new business. I have to admit I'm a little jealous! While I love working in marketing, there's something about pouring your soul and fixation on all things edible into your own celebratory creation. I know all my friends who I've told about the tours on offer have expressed real interest in it so it sounds like there's definitely a market for it here. 

Justin (The Skinny) recently invited me to attend the first official Food Loose International Food Adventure Tour, which now run every Saturday from 10am to 2pm and normally costs $39 per person (plus you should bring with you around $25 in coins for the day). Being the food obsessed individual I happily accepted, and I brought along my best friend Vee for the ride since the boy was in the throws of some major uni assignments. I remember those days!

We met up with Justin and the rest of our tour group around 9.45am at the Brass Monkey with comfy shoes and a water bottle each in hand. It was a beautiful day but it soon heated up to a stifling 34 degrees! Thankfully there were lots of opportunities to stay hydrated and cool down in the shade. Once the whole tour group had arrived (around 18 of us plus Justin and his wonderful parents who kept us all chatting and well stocked with wipes and napkins - important things when you're eating on the go!) we were up and running. 

Destination 1: Our first stop for the day was for coffee, much to everyones relief. Neither Vee nor I drink coffee so we just chilled to one side, enjoying the feel of the sun basking down. Once everyone's orders were placed Justin led us into the back of destination 1, giving us access to what is normally a staff only area.

It was here we were given a breakdown into the world of coffee extraction, and learning about the good and bad oils in coffee beans. I have to admit, I don't know much about coffee except what my boy's friend Rie has mentioned briefly in conversation (she's one of WA's best baristas). I wish I was a coffee drinker because people get so passionate about this beverage!

Destination 2: Our second stop was for a protein very close to my heart. Yes, I'm talking about duck! Of course I am. On Justin's recommendation we're instructed to get into groups of five and pool our coins to buy a take away serving of peking duck for $17.

It doesn't take too long and then we're off, walking to a nearby chill out spot that we can enjoy our peking duck pancakes. The pancakes are soft and slightly doughy, but the duck is delicious - well roasted and a good amount of fat. I'm pleased to note that there isn't a strong aniseed flavour which I find some Cantonese places can overdo. The accompaniment of crunchy cucumber and fragrant spring onion work in harmony with the sweet hoisin sauce we drizzle over the top. I could have easily eaten more of these, but we were carefully heeding Justin's advice of pacing ourselves. Don't want to get full too quickly!

Destination 3: Next up to wash down our moorish duck starter is a sweet dish. This venue is notorious for their apple strudels, with tourists going so far to actually take them home on the plane in cooler bags. We're recommended to pool together into groups of eight to share a strudel, but after chatting to fellow blogger, the lovely iMasticate, we decide to go against the recommendation and get a cannoli. I mean can you really resist an Italian pastry?

Once inside I quickly change my mind as I spy the custard horns. Yummy! Crisp, slightly flaky pastry encasing gooey Italian custard cream ($2.90). It's so good and a nice cool treat for the hot day. Vee chooses an eclair which has custard inside and milk and white chocolate on the outside. It's huge but she's all too happy munching away as we proceed down to the Northbridge Piazza for a respite while eating. I'm loving that it's like a spin on progressive dining, incorporating landmarks and relax areas as part of the experience. Definitely a great way to get out and see Northbridge and enjoy the sunshine.

Destination Four: After we've cooled down and relaxed we're back on our walking trail, with Justin giving us some really interesting background information to the destinations we've visited, but also those around us too. As we amble along to our fourth stop for the day, I'm really excited this place has been included.

I shop here every fortnight, loving the way it takes you out of the shopping centres and into an old era of ingredient purchasing. I love the smell of the spices, the extremely reasonably priced items and the great range of imported goods. We're recommended to try their halva and olives, or if we're sweet tooth inclined, the raspberry covered chocolates.

I'm not an olive person but Vee grabs a couple different versions including what I'm told are delicious peri peri flavoured ones. I grab some cashews (boring I know) and some of those chocolates we're told about. Being the smart cookie I am, I only get a couple otherwise I would have eaten way too many and had a sugar crash! They were damn addictive.

Destination Five: A quick walk into the city and down an alley found us at our fifth stop for the day. I think it's pretty obvious which place that is when you see the images below - a funky little cafe known for their toasted sandwiches, hiphop essence and some very cool street art outside.

Recommended to share a toasted sandwich of our choice between four of us, Vee and I give in to our greedy natures and decide we'll just split one between us two instead. We pick the trillacheese which is a three cheese sandwich of provolone, cheddar and gruyere ($7). As we sit down and wait for our orders fellow blogger iMasticate and her partner have a fresh cold pressed juice brought out to them. Naturally we're lured in by the sounds of them so we get back up and order one each. I choose the apple, strawberry and lemon ($4) and Vee chooses the watermelon and strawberry.

The toasted sandwich is fantastic. I'm pleased to see that the size of the bread slices has increased significantly since the last time I visited this place, and the combination of the three cheeses and the buttery rich toast makes for a decadent and delicious bite. I don't know why, but toasties always win my heart over - even though they're a weekend staple in my house I still love ordering them.

The juice is fantastic and a decent price considering I find myself paying upwards of $8 often for a glass of juice. I really enjoy the sourness of mine with the tart lemon and the sugary hit of the strawberry. It was a memorable drink I'll definitely return for.

Destination Six: Around this point I'm feeling quite comfortable, but there's always room for more food.  Moving on to our next spot, I'm happy to see it's one that isn't as commonly known. It's a Malaysian Indonesian venue that is very well known for their nasi lemak and roti canai Justin tells us. Sadly we hit this spot smack bang in the middle of a lunch run and Vee and I are lazy queue liners. We're both also feeling a little full from the sandwich so we regretfully decide to give this one a miss. Watching the others tear into their fluffy but crisp roti I have to admit I did have a pang of regret - but I'll return soon I'm sure to make up for my lack of participation here.

Destinations Seven and Eight: Just around the corner from stop number six were our final two places for the official tour. First up was a Korean Mexican fusion joint that I haven't actually been to before - yay for trying somewhere new! We place our orders and then move to the next venue while we're waiting for them to be cooked up.

The final venue is one that has a really special place in my heart. Chef Erich spent a good hour chatting to my mum and I when we first went there and going back I couldn't help but feel pleased as he waved at me in recognition. It's nice when you can really have that connection with someone so passionate about their world of cooking. As Australia's only chef who makes his noodles with the old tradition of bamboo bouncing, he deserves a great deal of respect. What he does might be hard work but the output is incredible and well affordable produce. I'm actually coming back here next weekend with my friends to introduce them to these phenomenal handmade noodles.

Chef Erich puts on a noodle making demonstration, while the restaurant owner comes out to chat to us about this culinary art. They also give us some delicious fried wantons to sample in a satay or spicy mayonnaise. Vee has the satay and I choose the spicy mayonnaise - both are hot, crunchy and utterly moorish. So, so yummy!

After eating our wantons we trot back up to destination seven, arriving just in time for our orders to be finished cooking. I'm always really intrigued by fusion as it can go so right or so, so wrong. Thankfully this Korea meets Mexico offering was in the right camp.

We've ordered the tacos which are two for $9. Vee opts for the fried fish which comes with wasabi mayonnaise, slaw and she chooses the tomato salsa. I love the satisfying crunch it emits as she devours it - reporting back that it's fresh, flavoursome and even though she's not a fan of wasabi it works really well here. After asking Justin for his recommendation I pick the bulgogi (beef) taco which comes with lettuce and my choice of spicy cucumber salsa. I actually don't find it spicy at all, despite the two chilli warning on the image, but the flavour is spot on. Extremely tender marinated strips of beef melt in my mouth and spark interest with each bite with the contrasting crunch of the lettuce and the cool cucumber. It's so good and the perfect bite to finish up my eating journey on.

The group gathers after we're finished, everyone looking full and happy. It's hot as hell now but the walk back to Northbridge has us all in high spirits as we chat to our new found friends. We finish up outside the alley to Mechanics Bar as we wind up in conclusion and take a couple snaps of the group.

Justin tells us that while we're done for the day, he's arranged a discount first drink at Mechanics Bar for anyone interested. I have to admit, Vee and I are tempted - it's our favourite bar since our best friend Linda's cousins work there so we have friendly faces, great views and of course delicious drinks. But we're pretty spent at that point and have to be elsewhere so we call it a day. I'm sure we'll be back at Mechanics some time soon anyway!

(photo from Food Loose Tours)

(photo from Food Loose Tours)

What a fun day out! If you love all things food like I do, please do yourself a favour and give Food Loose Tours a go. It's a great way to explore our city and try some new foods while meeting new people. I had such a good time, and can imagine this will make a great present come Christmas time.

And for those of you who want the spoilers, below are the venues we visited. For everyone else, look away now!

Ristretto Wall Coffee on UrbanspoonGood Fortune Roast Duck House on UrbanspoonCorica Pastries on Urbanspoon
Kakulas Brothers on UrbanspoonToastface Grillah on UrbanspoonInsan's Cafe on Urbanspoon
MIX on UrbanspoonNoodle Forum on Urbanspoon


  1. Ok. Definitely going into Insan Cafe after walking past it a million times. Possibly even more.

    1. The roti looked really good, in hindsight I wish I tried it! But there's always next time :)

  2. Cashews aren't boring at all!!! They're one of the best nuts!!! haha. They really take you around NB and CBD eh!?! My friend and I are going on an Oxford st tour next month! Never been on one of these before!! hehe

    1. I love cashews! An Oxford St tour sounds so interesting - is it a food tour? :)

    2. Yep! It takes you to different eateries along oxford st. <-- this one =) Have you heard of it before?

    3. I hadn't actually heard of this! Looks cool, different to Food Loose since you get tastings rather than buy food along the way :) let me know how it is!

  3. Oh what a star, he has done very well to put this tour together, Im sure it will be an absolute hit!

    1. I know it's such a great idea, I'm definitely encouraging everyone to give it a go and support him :)
      PS we need to catch up soon!
